Peter Hand

Name (Last, First)
Lifetime Group Limited
09 488 0886
021 372 555
55A Victoria Street
Areas of Advice
Business Risk, Health Insurance, Insurance Personal Risk
Professional Designations
Peter started in the insurance industry in 1976 as an agent for an established company called Prudential Life. In 1988 he established his own brokering business, which he then sold in 2009 to Lifetime which is where he’s been ever since.

Peter specialises in personal and business protection planning and takes pride in offering and providing his clients with the very best advice for their future goals and plans. He’s also very passionate and committed to his client’s needs and importantly provides a balanced view of their situation so that they fully understand the options before they make a commitment.

Risk insurance can be complicated, but Peters philosophy is keep it simple. Hence, he has built up strong and solid relationships with his clients over the many years of service to them. Peter has been involved with local and national service clubs for many years, serving with Round Table, Rotary and business and promotional companies.

He is married to Margaret and they have 4 children between them which means he now spends a lot of his spare time with their many grandchildren. He also enjoys playing golf and over the past 30 years has discovered a knack for enhancing property values and presenting homes for sale.
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